Give it a try, said the heart.
It is what it is.
Just me.

I dare you to let me be your one and only.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
I never really do posts on here anymore, but I've just been browsing through and I saw my '2010' post... and I was really shocked at just how much of a bad year I'd had. Well, I can honestly say that 2011 was the best year of my life. It's incredible how much has changed since 2010 and how much I've changed too. I met some amazing people in 2011 and did some amazing things that I'll remember forever. London in March & November, X Factor Tour in March, Work Experience in Holland in March, Parties, going out, Holiday, The Hunger Games, One Direction Tour on December 23rd. 2011 was full of laughs, smiles and amazing memories and I am so glad that I didn't have a year like 2010 :). Bring on the rest of 2012. Happy New Year everyone :)x
Friday, 21 October 2011
Questions from Tumblr (2)
I have time on my hands, so why not :')
1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
yes, my mum loves me :)
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
if I knew them well enough, sure.3. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?
I'm aggravated at the fact that something I want can never happen, however I am happy because the person makes me happy.
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
of course, I usually do anyways :')
5. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
hahaha, yeah. this guy i'm friends with has this crazy jealous girlfriend and she hates it when he talks to me.
6. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
ed sheeran's songs remind me of him?
7. What exactly are you wearing right now?
a blue v-neck top from mango YEARS ago, some red love heart pj bottoms and cow slippers. i'm in my comfy's :P
8. How often do you listen to music?
every single day. in the morning to get ready to, and the free time I have during the evenings.
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2012?
sure. I have to make choices which will affect my whole life.
11. Are you a social or an antisocial person?
very, very, very social.12. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘B’?
13. What about ‘S’?
14. Can you drive a stick shift?
I can't drive at all. In the UK you have to be 17 to drive, and I'm 15.
15. Do you care if people talk badly about you?
if I haven't done anything to aggravate them, then yes.16. Are you going out of town soon?
tomorrow. I'm going shopping about 30mins away from where I live.
17. When was the last time you cried?
last night when someone sang on The X Factor USA. It was beautiful.
18. Have you ever told someone you loved them?
19. If you could change your eye color, would you?
I'd like my eyes to be a little bluer, like they used to be.
20. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for?
I'd do anything for my Dad. right now, he is the most important guy in my life. I have no boyfriend, no brothers.
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
The fact that today we had a charity run at school, and barely anyone turned up.
22. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?
I think it's sweet, but I'd rather be kissed on the neck, cheek or of course, lips.
23. Are you dating the last person you talked to?
24. What are you sitting on right now?
the sofa.
25. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
ohhhhhh yes. many times.
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
my mum.
28. Do you get a lot of colds?
I reckon I get about 3 a year.
29. Where is the shirt you are wearing from?
Mango.30. Does anyone hate you?
i don't think so, however I think I annoy some people. Mainly people I've never met.
31. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?
32. Do you like watching scary movies?
it's not my preferred genre. I'm absolutely petrified of little children in scary movies, so if the movie is about kids, then no. but I tend to find 'scary' movies quite funny.
33. Do you want your tongue pierced?
I do actually, but I'm not going to get it done.
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
the school year of 2009 and 2010. that was the worst year of my life.
35. Did you have a dream last night?
yes, but I can't remember it.
36. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
last night.
37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
it's possible.
40. Did you have a good day yesterday?
yes, yesterday was a good day :)
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?
I thought I was, but it turns out that I wasn't.
42. In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl?
within the next 48 hours I will be, but in 48 hours time no I won't be.43. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
yes, i've heard that before.44. What’s the best part about school?
being with friends and being in certain lessons.
45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?
I have lots of pictures on my Facebook :)
46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school?
I used to do when I was younger, not anymore though.
47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
yes, probably every day.
48. Were you single over the last summer?
49. Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
hell no. I wasn't happy two years ago, whereas I'm very happy now :)
50. What are you supposed to be doing right now?
probably doing homework.
51. Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
52. Are you nice to everyone?
I try my best to be, but some people do push my buttons.
53. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
54. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
55. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
sometimes. I always have to tell at least one person though.56. Do you think you like someone?
57. Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘T’?
58. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?
I love my girl friends, but you can have banter with boys. That's a tough one.
59. Has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry?
60. Do you hate anyone?
no, but I highly dislike a few people.
61. How’s your heart?
my heart has just gotten over it's first heartbreak. it's recovering and it's getting better, however it's slightly aching for someone else. it skips a little beat whenever they are near. my heart likes to tease me.
62. Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
yes, quite a lot of things. there is something that happened in the past that I cannot seem to get away from, even though I can't remember it.
63. Have you ever cried over a guy?
64. Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
I'm not sure, hopefully no one.
65. Are your toenails painted pink?
no, but my fingernails are.
66. Will your next kiss be a mistake?
I sure hope not, because my last one was.
67. Girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct?
I wouldn't love it if my boyfriend cried. I'd probably cry too. I cry when boys cry.
68. Have your pants ever fallen down in public?
69. Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
my dad.
70. How do you look right now?
clothes wise, not so good. but i'm having a pretty day today. yay :)
71. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?
my friends are the people who have seen the closest to my complete self.72. Can you commit to one person?
73. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
yes, my dad.74. Have you ever felt replaced?
75. Did you wake up cranky?
just a bit annoyed at how early and dark it was.
76. Are you a jealous person?
not really.
77. Are relationships ever worth it?
I'd like to think so, but i've barely been in one. Guys tend to play with my feelings and then chuck me to the side and forget about me. i'm waiting for that special guy who will show me that he's different.
78. Anyone you’re giving up on?
sadly, yes.
79. Currently wanting to see anyone?
there is one person who I wish I could see every single day, because then every single day would be a good day.
80. Name something you have to do tomorrow?
go out to Xscape with my friends :)
81. Last person you cried in front of?
probably my mum.
82. Is there someone you will never forget?
83. Do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you?
he probably is to a point.
84. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
probably taking the mick out of each other.85. Are you over your past?
I can finally say yes.
86. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex?
yes. for 13 years.
87. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?
no. not one single person will ever know everything about me or my thoughts or feelings, or past thoughts and feelings. some things are best kept private.
88. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
I'd forgive, but what he did to me has taught me so much about the opposite sex and myself. In a way, I thank him for the pain that he put me through, because I know that I will never make the same mistakes again.
89. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?
absolutely not.
90. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
91. Will you be in a relationship in 2 months?
probably not. I wanna concentrate on my studies.
92. Is there anyone you know with the name Michael?
93. Have you ever kissed a Matthew?
94. Were you in a relationship in January? How was it going?
95. Were you happy with the person you liked in March?
I was friends with them and I still am.
96. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive?
She's pretty with make-up on.
97. Who do you have texts from?
my friends.
98. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
I'm not really sure whether I like this person or not. It's very complicated. I'd accept it I guess.
99. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
100. Who’s in your profile picture with you?
no one.
101. Ever kissed under fireworks?
no, but that sounds romantic.
102. Has anybody ever given you butterflies?
yes :)
1. Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
yes, my mum loves me :)
2. Would you date an 18-year-old at the age you are now?
if I knew them well enough, sure.3. When’s the last time you were aggravated and happy at the same time?
I'm aggravated at the fact that something I want can never happen, however I am happy because the person makes me happy.
4. Would you ever smile at a stranger?
of course, I usually do anyways :')
5. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are?
hahaha, yeah. this guy i'm friends with has this crazy jealous girlfriend and she hates it when he talks to me.
6. Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?
ed sheeran's songs remind me of him?
7. What exactly are you wearing right now?
a blue v-neck top from mango YEARS ago, some red love heart pj bottoms and cow slippers. i'm in my comfy's :P
8. How often do you listen to music?
every single day. in the morning to get ready to, and the free time I have during the evenings.
9. Do you wear jeans or sweats more?
10. Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2012?
sure. I have to make choices which will affect my whole life.
11. Are you a social or an antisocial person?
very, very, very social.12. Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with the letter ‘B’?
13. What about ‘S’?
14. Can you drive a stick shift?
I can't drive at all. In the UK you have to be 17 to drive, and I'm 15.
15. Do you care if people talk badly about you?
if I haven't done anything to aggravate them, then yes.16. Are you going out of town soon?
tomorrow. I'm going shopping about 30mins away from where I live.
17. When was the last time you cried?
last night when someone sang on The X Factor USA. It was beautiful.
18. Have you ever told someone you loved them?
19. If you could change your eye color, would you?
I'd like my eyes to be a little bluer, like they used to be.
20. Is there a boy who you would do absolutely everything for?
I'd do anything for my Dad. right now, he is the most important guy in my life. I have no boyfriend, no brothers.
21. Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
The fact that today we had a charity run at school, and barely anyone turned up.
22. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?
I think it's sweet, but I'd rather be kissed on the neck, cheek or of course, lips.
23. Are you dating the last person you talked to?
24. What are you sitting on right now?
the sofa.
25. Does anyone regularly (other than family) tell you they love you?
26. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
ohhhhhh yes. many times.
27. Who was the last person you talked to before you went to bed last night?
my mum.
28. Do you get a lot of colds?
I reckon I get about 3 a year.
29. Where is the shirt you are wearing from?
Mango.30. Does anyone hate you?
i don't think so, however I think I annoy some people. Mainly people I've never met.
31. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room?
32. Do you like watching scary movies?
it's not my preferred genre. I'm absolutely petrified of little children in scary movies, so if the movie is about kids, then no. but I tend to find 'scary' movies quite funny.
33. Do you want your tongue pierced?
I do actually, but I'm not going to get it done.
34. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be?
the school year of 2009 and 2010. that was the worst year of my life.
35. Did you have a dream last night?
yes, but I can't remember it.
36. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
last night.
37. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
38. Do you think someone has feelings for you?
39. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
it's possible.
40. Did you have a good day yesterday?
yes, yesterday was a good day :)
41. Think back 2 months ago; were you in a relationship?
I thought I was, but it turns out that I wasn't.
42. In the next 48 hours, will you hang out with a girl?
within the next 48 hours I will be, but in 48 hours time no I won't be.43. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you?
yes, i've heard that before.44. What’s the best part about school?
being with friends and being in certain lessons.
45. Do you have any pictures on your Facebook?
I have lots of pictures on my Facebook :)
46. Do you ever pass notes to your friends in school?
I used to do when I was younger, not anymore though.
47. Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
yes, probably every day.
48. Were you single over the last summer?
49. Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
hell no. I wasn't happy two years ago, whereas I'm very happy now :)
50. What are you supposed to be doing right now?
probably doing homework.
51. Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
52. Are you nice to everyone?
I try my best to be, but some people do push my buttons.
53. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to?
54. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
55. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
sometimes. I always have to tell at least one person though.56. Do you think you like someone?
57. Have you kissed someone whose name starts with a ‘T’?
58. Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?
I love my girl friends, but you can have banter with boys. That's a tough one.
59. Has anyone of your friends ever seen you cry?
60. Do you hate anyone?
no, but I highly dislike a few people.
61. How’s your heart?
my heart has just gotten over it's first heartbreak. it's recovering and it's getting better, however it's slightly aching for someone else. it skips a little beat whenever they are near. my heart likes to tease me.
62. Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
yes, quite a lot of things. there is something that happened in the past that I cannot seem to get away from, even though I can't remember it.
63. Have you ever cried over a guy?
64. Who is probably talking a load of crap about you right now?
I'm not sure, hopefully no one.
65. Are your toenails painted pink?
no, but my fingernails are.
66. Will your next kiss be a mistake?
I sure hope not, because my last one was.
67. Girls love it when boyfriends cry; correct?
I wouldn't love it if my boyfriend cried. I'd probably cry too. I cry when boys cry.
68. Have your pants ever fallen down in public?
69. Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
my dad.
70. How do you look right now?
clothes wise, not so good. but i'm having a pretty day today. yay :)
71. Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?
my friends are the people who have seen the closest to my complete self.72. Can you commit to one person?
73. Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell everything to?
yes, my dad.74. Have you ever felt replaced?
75. Did you wake up cranky?
just a bit annoyed at how early and dark it was.
76. Are you a jealous person?
not really.
77. Are relationships ever worth it?
I'd like to think so, but i've barely been in one. Guys tend to play with my feelings and then chuck me to the side and forget about me. i'm waiting for that special guy who will show me that he's different.
78. Anyone you’re giving up on?
sadly, yes.
79. Currently wanting to see anyone?
there is one person who I wish I could see every single day, because then every single day would be a good day.
80. Name something you have to do tomorrow?
go out to Xscape with my friends :)
81. Last person you cried in front of?
probably my mum.
82. Is there someone you will never forget?
83. Do you think the person you have feelings for is protective of you?
he probably is to a point.
84. If the person you wish to be with were with you, what would you be doing right now?
probably taking the mick out of each other.85. Are you over your past?
I can finally say yes.
86. Have you ever liked one of your best friends of the opposite sex?
yes. for 13 years.
87. Is there anyone you can tell EVERYTHING to?
no. not one single person will ever know everything about me or my thoughts or feelings, or past thoughts and feelings. some things are best kept private.
88. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept?
I'd forgive, but what he did to me has taught me so much about the opposite sex and myself. In a way, I thank him for the pain that he put me through, because I know that I will never make the same mistakes again.
89. So, the last person you kissed just happens to arrive at your door at 3AM; do you let them in?
absolutely not.
90. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
91. Will you be in a relationship in 2 months?
probably not. I wanna concentrate on my studies.
92. Is there anyone you know with the name Michael?
93. Have you ever kissed a Matthew?
94. Were you in a relationship in January? How was it going?
95. Were you happy with the person you liked in March?
I was friends with them and I still am.
96. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive?
She's pretty with make-up on.
97. Who do you have texts from?
my friends.
98. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
I'm not really sure whether I like this person or not. It's very complicated. I'd accept it I guess.
99. Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
100. Who’s in your profile picture with you?
no one.
101. Ever kissed under fireworks?
no, but that sounds romantic.
102. Has anybody ever given you butterflies?
yes :)
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Leopard Shorts!
So yesterday I went shopping with my mum and I haven't been shopping in AGES. My mum treated me to these gorgeous leopard shorts from Topshop. I remember they did some leopard shorts a bit different to these ones last year and I missed out on getting them, so I was made up when my mum decided to buy me these :)
They're a great length too, I love short shorts!
Have a nice day :) xx
They're a great length too, I love short shorts!
Have a nice day :) xx
Monday, 10 October 2011
Topshop Treasures!
It feels like I haven't blogged in foreverrrr. So I was browsing through the Topshop website and came across a few bits and bobs which I am lusting over at the moment. I'm really into the whole grey/dark colour thing at the moment, jazzing the dull colours up with something statementy like a coloured piece of jewellery or a pattered shoe. You'll see what I mean... :)
I want this because it is absolutely adorable.
I want this because the sheer panelling down the middle is edgy and different.
I want this because it's edgy and the different fabric's scream sexy.
I want this because it's beautiful.
I want these because they're sooo funky.
I want this because it's sexy and it's all about the lace.
I want these because they're so glam, chic and beautiful.
I want these because they'll brighten up any outfit.
I want this because body-con is sooo my thing and I love the light grey colour of this skirt and the zip down the middle gives it a different twist.
What do you like at the moment?
Much Love
Sunday, 25 September 2011
September Favourites!
Hmm, what to do at 3:45 on a Sunday afternoon? Ah, I know. Blogggggg :)
Blogging is the only way I can really communicate at the moment because I have a cold(bad times!). Blergh, everyone's been getting it though - Kim and Kourtney Kardashian have even tweeted about it! :o haha, anyway. Enough of me rambling. Enjoy my post :)
I was really into curls at the beginning of this month because it was suuuuper windy and my hair is naturally kinda flicky and wavy at the same time, so wind and straight hair for me = annoying little flicks everywhere. So I figured that if I curled it, the curls would just drop into nicer waves than the ones I get naturally. It worked :) however, I don't have a curling iron and I have to use my black GHD's to curl my hair, but it's not the same is it? I'm on the hunt for a good curling iron :) I heard Babyliss have a good one? Xmas list!
Leopard pumps: around 17 pounds from New Look.
You'd think these would be pretty comfy because they're like ballet pumps. Well, you thought wrong! After about an hour or so, your feet will hurt! But 'no pain no gain' right? They look super duper cute on and leopard print is totally my thing :) they jazz up any outfit. I love putting them with jeans and a simple top, so the focus really is on the shoes.
Benefit High Beam: 18 pounds from the Benefit.
Oh. My. God. I am in LOVE with this product. I'd heard loads of good stuff about this product and had been wanting it for a while because it honestly makes you look so pretty :) it's a lovely champagne colour and it is a highlight for your cheekbones and brow bones. It's perfect if you want to look positively glowing :)
Vanilla Body Spray, 4 pounds from Boots.
Vanilla is probably my favourite smell ever. It's gorgeous. This body spray has fast become one of my favourite fragrances to wear. Just a few spritz's every now and again and you'll have everyone falling for you, as vanilla is an aphrodisiac ;)
Baby Pink Ice watch, prices vary.
My mum got me this for my birthday last year and I still love it. I kinda wanna collect them, I love the mint green one and the bright lilac one! They come in these boxes which act as money boxes and stack on top of each other which I think is cute. The colours are nicely pigmented and they brighten up every outfit :)
Topshop nail polish in Moonshine, 8 pounds.
This colour is beautiful. I've been wanting a nudey kind of colour because my school is so tight on nail varnish and I figured I might be able to get away with this one... we'll see!
Topshop lipstick in On The Town, 8 pounds.
I think it's called On The Town... I'm not sure :P but anyways, HOW HOT IS THIS COLOUR!? I cannot wait to wear it. It's purple, yes. But I'm not a red lip girl really, so I get my pleasures out of pinks and purples. Might upload it on my lips later on in the week :)
Hope you enjoyed, bye bye xx
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Do I lead guys on?
I'm scared that I lead guys on. Honestly, if I do, I don't do it intentionally. I'm a very flirty, friendly person. It's just who I am. So, if I'm friends with someone, if I like someone, I'll be friendly towards them and if it's a guy, I'll be friendly with a hint of flirty. It's just how I am. I don't see anything wrong with it. But as I think about the more and more guys that talk to me, maybe they might take my friendly/flirty style of talking the wrong way? I mean when I really like someone, then I make that clear. But I do talk to a lot of lads and I'm scared that one day I'm gunna have no one because they all think all I've been doing is messing them about when that isn't my intention :/ I love making friends and being friendly and having banter with people. I also wonder if I'm a good person, whether good things will happen to me. I don't believe that I am a bad person, but I don't see the harm in being friendly with someone. I won't stop talking to someone just because someone else thinks I'm leading them on. But I just can't help wonder, why am I like this? Most of it is genuinely how I am, but maybe, say, 10% of that is the fact that I want to feel wanted. I haven't had a boyfriend for a while, and every other guy uses me. So maybe when somebody shows an interest, I have a guard up. Do you really blame me though? Every single guy that I have liked has either messed me around, or it hasn't worked out.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not a bad girl, just a broken hearted one that wants to be loved by a guy one day.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not a bad girl, just a broken hearted one that wants to be loved by a guy one day.
Monday, 12 September 2011
44 Questions That Will Free Your Mind.
As you might be able to tell, I is BORED. Therefore, I have scoured the Internet instead of doing my homework in search of fun questions to answer. Here's what I got:
1) How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?
- honestly, I think I'd be my age. Fifteen. Because even though I am mature, I still feel the need to act like an idiot every now and again. So I'm grown up, but can never resist the urge to snap back into childhood. Also, I do not have enough knowledge to be any older or wiser. I learn new things everyday.
2) Which is worse, failing or never trying?
- never trying. I believe that everything is worth a try at least once. However, I'm not saying you should do all the things that you do not want to. But I always try to go into things with an open mind. I cannot stand failing, but as long as I tried my best that is all that mattered.
3) If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don't like and like so many things we don't do?
- wow. Mind boggling question. Personally, I think that if you like something, but never do it: that there either something holding you back like a person or a sense of fear. Also, I believe that we do so many things we don't like as a result of pressure. Nobody wants to feel like an outsider, so the common human tends to stick along with what everyone else is doing.
4) When it's all said and done, will you have said more than you've done?
- I probably will have, yes.
5) What is the one thing you'd like to change most about the world?
- honestly, I'm finding it hard to think of an answer to this one. It's not that I wouldn't change anything if given the chance. I'm just not really sure what the one thing I'd change would be. Probably to just let everything be and for countries to stop getting in other countries businesses and causing wars. Maybe peace would be restored if everyone just let it be.
6) If happiness was the national currency, what would make you rich?
- love. The times when I have felt love from others have been the times where I have been the happiest.
7) Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
- settling for what I am doing. I'm currently in school when I'd much rather be traveling the world or meeting celebrities. But education is everything, and whilst high school is free I might as well cherish every moment of education I have. Don't get me wrong, I love learning. But sometimes I wonder : I wonder if I'd learn more if I was actually out doing something practical and seeing things for myself.
8) If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
- knowing now that I probably have a good life span, I believe that there is no rush in settling down and that 'Mr Right' will walk into my life when the time is right. However, if I knew that I only had until 40 to live, I probably would settle for a guy instead of knowing in my heart that he is the one. Because in my life, I want to experience everything. I would probably have children in my late teens and get married even earlier. I'd want to make sure I was secure in life.
9) To what degree have you controlled the course your life has taken?
- more so since I've become older. But, I believe it is a parents job to guide their child in a certain direction, however giving them space in order to grow as an individual.
10) Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
- in my heart, I know when I do the right thing. But if somebody sets me a task and expects me to do something in a certain way, then I will worry about doing it correctly and hoping to get their approval once I have finished.
11) You're having lunch with 3 people you respect and admire. They all start criticising a close friend of yours, not knowing that she is your friend. The criticism is disgraceful and unjustified. What do you do?
- inform them that she is my friend and while I respect their opinions, I will also forward mine. Because she is a close friend, I will know the type of person she is more than them. I will stick up for her and will not feel ashamed of having an opinion.
12) If you could offer a new born child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
- don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. That quote will get the child through each day of it's life.
13) Would you break the law to save a loved one?
- it would depend on the deed I had to do.
14) Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
- yes. On a college intake day, one Photography student bases their projects on abandoned buildings. To achieve the perfect shots, they had to break into buildings. The idea may seem crazy, but the pictures I saw before me were out of this world.
15) What is something that you know you do differently to most people?
- most girls are dictated with the way they put on their make up by make up guru's on Youtube. They start with a moisturiser, then go onto foundation, power, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, bronzer, blusher, lipstick, lipgloss. For a start, I don't even wear foundation. I put on my mascara first because that wakes up my face and gives me an idea of the kind of look I am going for based on the way my eyelashes look. I follow with bronzer, then go onto eye shadows and go onto eyeliner. I finish with a lipstick/lipgloss just the same though.
16) How come the things that make you happy don't make everyone happy?
- mind blowing question. I don't actually know. Possibly upbringing. Like rock music makes me happy because my Dad has such a passion for it and it's all I heard whilst growing up. Even though I love pop music, rock will always be my first love because it was what I was brought up with. Simples.
17) What is one thing you really want to do? What's holding you back?
- travel the world. Money.
18) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
- I'm currently learning to let go of something. Or someone should I say. They chose someone else and not me, and I have to deal with that. I have to deal with the fact that they wanted someone else more than me. And I am doing. I've learned that Taylor Swift is correct. That when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you, you're gunna believe them. Like I said, life is a learning experience.
19) If you had to move to a state or country besides where you live now, where would you move to and why?
- London, Miami, New York, Tenerife and South Africa are all possibilities, because I would love to visit Miami, New York and South Africa and Tenerife and London make me happy.
20) Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really think it makes the elevator come quicker?
- no I don't because I'm scared the elevator will get confused and stop working, leaving me trapped inside and knowing my luck the alarm will have broken.
21) Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
- joyful simpleton. I love being happy :)
22) Why are you, you?
- I've just looked to people who I admire and adapted some of their ways into my own. Like my Dad for example, I try very hard to mimic his wise, open minded look on life. I believe i've inherited that, anyway. Honestly, I don't really know.
23) Have you been the kind of friend that you would want as a friend?
- yes. I'd love to have a friend like me. I'm being serious. I'm the most understanding person in the world.
24) Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?
- the second one because I have experienced that myself for 13 years and I have only just got him back and it is honestly the best feeling in the world. Even if we're not best friends anymore, I get a smile when I see him now. And that's more than I ever thought I would ever get again.
25) What are you most grateful for?
- my parents. I absolutely love my parents to death. They are my favourite people in the whole entire world. I could not have asked to have been born to the couple that I did, because they have told me multiple times that they were thrilled with me and I was the best thing that ever happened to them. If all else fails, I know I'll always have my parents.
26) Would you rather lose all your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
- OMG this is a hard question! :( Do I have to pick? omg I can't chose! No, I can't I'm sorry. Memories are one of my favourite things about life. I'd be distraught if any of the two happened to me.
27) Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?
- yes. Sometimes things just blurt out...
28) Has your greatest fear ever come true?
- no, thank goodness.
29) Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it matter now?
- the only extremely upsetting thing I can remember which happened about 5 years ago was giving my very first dog away due to my mum being very ill. I have another dog now who I love dearly, but at the time I was heartbroken and it took me a very long time to get over having my dog taken away from me. However, now I understand the severity of my mums illness and I understand that she did not give the dog away out of spite, but purely because she could not cope. My dog went to a very good home and probably has(or had) the best time ever.
30) What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
- I remember making butterfly wings at nursery and being obsessed with them. I wouldn't take them off and my Dad caught me on video running around the garden in my butterfly wings. Then, I saw a real life butterfly. I just stopped and watched it for about 5 minutes: and this was all caught on camera. It's special because the video and memory truly resemble the simplicity of life when I was about 4. Oh how things change...
31) At what time in your life have you felt most passionate and alive?
- experiencing my first taste of love was something I'll never forget. Being on holiday made it all the more relaxing.
32) If not now, then when?
- sometime. Sometime soon :)
33) If you haven't achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?
- nothing. It's all about when the time is right.
34) Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, then walked away feeling like you've had the best conversation ever?
- yeah. It's that adrenaline rush, isn't it. It just does something to you which makes you smile and give off positive vibes that you can' help but feel nice :)
35) Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?
- I've asked myself that same question a few times. Nobody knows.
36) Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?
- I believe that you know in your heart whether something is good or not.
37) If you just won a million pounds, would you quit your job?
- erm I don't have a job anymore ;) But I wouldn't quit school. Education is priceless.
38) Would you rather have less work to do, or more work that you enjoy doing?
- if you enjoy something, you always want more, right? ;)
39) Do you feel like you've lived this day a hundred times before?
- no. Each day is totally different and a new learning experience.
40) When was the last time that you stormed into the dark with only a soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?
- last week actually. One Direction are a boyband which I love dearly and I will back them up 100% no matter what. I strongly believe in the boys and had a confrontation with someone who despises them. I kept my cool, said my peace and felt proud to have stuck up for the boys like I did.
41) If you knew that everyone was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit?
- I'd visit my mum and dad, my family. My old dog, my new dog. The people who have dug their way into my heart and the people who believed in me even when I didn't.
42) Would you be willing to reduce your live expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?
- no. I believe that I am attractive, I like the way that I look and I like my life.
43) What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
- alive, you're just there breathing away. Truly living, you're filling your days with things that take your breath away.
44) If we learn from our mistakes, why are we so afraid of making a mistake?
- fear of rejection. Everybody wants to be accepted.
1) How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?
- honestly, I think I'd be my age. Fifteen. Because even though I am mature, I still feel the need to act like an idiot every now and again. So I'm grown up, but can never resist the urge to snap back into childhood. Also, I do not have enough knowledge to be any older or wiser. I learn new things everyday.
2) Which is worse, failing or never trying?
- never trying. I believe that everything is worth a try at least once. However, I'm not saying you should do all the things that you do not want to. But I always try to go into things with an open mind. I cannot stand failing, but as long as I tried my best that is all that mattered.
3) If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don't like and like so many things we don't do?
- wow. Mind boggling question. Personally, I think that if you like something, but never do it: that there either something holding you back like a person or a sense of fear. Also, I believe that we do so many things we don't like as a result of pressure. Nobody wants to feel like an outsider, so the common human tends to stick along with what everyone else is doing.
4) When it's all said and done, will you have said more than you've done?
- I probably will have, yes.
5) What is the one thing you'd like to change most about the world?
- honestly, I'm finding it hard to think of an answer to this one. It's not that I wouldn't change anything if given the chance. I'm just not really sure what the one thing I'd change would be. Probably to just let everything be and for countries to stop getting in other countries businesses and causing wars. Maybe peace would be restored if everyone just let it be.
6) If happiness was the national currency, what would make you rich?
- love. The times when I have felt love from others have been the times where I have been the happiest.
7) Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
- settling for what I am doing. I'm currently in school when I'd much rather be traveling the world or meeting celebrities. But education is everything, and whilst high school is free I might as well cherish every moment of education I have. Don't get me wrong, I love learning. But sometimes I wonder : I wonder if I'd learn more if I was actually out doing something practical and seeing things for myself.
8) If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
- knowing now that I probably have a good life span, I believe that there is no rush in settling down and that 'Mr Right' will walk into my life when the time is right. However, if I knew that I only had until 40 to live, I probably would settle for a guy instead of knowing in my heart that he is the one. Because in my life, I want to experience everything. I would probably have children in my late teens and get married even earlier. I'd want to make sure I was secure in life.
9) To what degree have you controlled the course your life has taken?
- more so since I've become older. But, I believe it is a parents job to guide their child in a certain direction, however giving them space in order to grow as an individual.
10) Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
- in my heart, I know when I do the right thing. But if somebody sets me a task and expects me to do something in a certain way, then I will worry about doing it correctly and hoping to get their approval once I have finished.
11) You're having lunch with 3 people you respect and admire. They all start criticising a close friend of yours, not knowing that she is your friend. The criticism is disgraceful and unjustified. What do you do?
- inform them that she is my friend and while I respect their opinions, I will also forward mine. Because she is a close friend, I will know the type of person she is more than them. I will stick up for her and will not feel ashamed of having an opinion.
12) If you could offer a new born child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
- don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened. That quote will get the child through each day of it's life.
13) Would you break the law to save a loved one?
- it would depend on the deed I had to do.
14) Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
- yes. On a college intake day, one Photography student bases their projects on abandoned buildings. To achieve the perfect shots, they had to break into buildings. The idea may seem crazy, but the pictures I saw before me were out of this world.
15) What is something that you know you do differently to most people?
- most girls are dictated with the way they put on their make up by make up guru's on Youtube. They start with a moisturiser, then go onto foundation, power, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, bronzer, blusher, lipstick, lipgloss. For a start, I don't even wear foundation. I put on my mascara first because that wakes up my face and gives me an idea of the kind of look I am going for based on the way my eyelashes look. I follow with bronzer, then go onto eye shadows and go onto eyeliner. I finish with a lipstick/lipgloss just the same though.
16) How come the things that make you happy don't make everyone happy?
- mind blowing question. I don't actually know. Possibly upbringing. Like rock music makes me happy because my Dad has such a passion for it and it's all I heard whilst growing up. Even though I love pop music, rock will always be my first love because it was what I was brought up with. Simples.
17) What is one thing you really want to do? What's holding you back?
- travel the world. Money.
18) Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
- I'm currently learning to let go of something. Or someone should I say. They chose someone else and not me, and I have to deal with that. I have to deal with the fact that they wanted someone else more than me. And I am doing. I've learned that Taylor Swift is correct. That when you're fifteen and somebody tells you they love you, you're gunna believe them. Like I said, life is a learning experience.
19) If you had to move to a state or country besides where you live now, where would you move to and why?
- London, Miami, New York, Tenerife and South Africa are all possibilities, because I would love to visit Miami, New York and South Africa and Tenerife and London make me happy.
20) Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really think it makes the elevator come quicker?
- no I don't because I'm scared the elevator will get confused and stop working, leaving me trapped inside and knowing my luck the alarm will have broken.
21) Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
- joyful simpleton. I love being happy :)
22) Why are you, you?
- I've just looked to people who I admire and adapted some of their ways into my own. Like my Dad for example, I try very hard to mimic his wise, open minded look on life. I believe i've inherited that, anyway. Honestly, I don't really know.
23) Have you been the kind of friend that you would want as a friend?
- yes. I'd love to have a friend like me. I'm being serious. I'm the most understanding person in the world.
24) Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?
- the second one because I have experienced that myself for 13 years and I have only just got him back and it is honestly the best feeling in the world. Even if we're not best friends anymore, I get a smile when I see him now. And that's more than I ever thought I would ever get again.
25) What are you most grateful for?
- my parents. I absolutely love my parents to death. They are my favourite people in the whole entire world. I could not have asked to have been born to the couple that I did, because they have told me multiple times that they were thrilled with me and I was the best thing that ever happened to them. If all else fails, I know I'll always have my parents.
26) Would you rather lose all your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
- OMG this is a hard question! :( Do I have to pick? omg I can't chose! No, I can't I'm sorry. Memories are one of my favourite things about life. I'd be distraught if any of the two happened to me.
27) Is it possible to know the truth without challenging it first?
- yes. Sometimes things just blurt out...
28) Has your greatest fear ever come true?
- no, thank goodness.
29) Do you remember that time 5 years ago when you were extremely upset? Does it matter now?
- the only extremely upsetting thing I can remember which happened about 5 years ago was giving my very first dog away due to my mum being very ill. I have another dog now who I love dearly, but at the time I was heartbroken and it took me a very long time to get over having my dog taken away from me. However, now I understand the severity of my mums illness and I understand that she did not give the dog away out of spite, but purely because she could not cope. My dog went to a very good home and probably has(or had) the best time ever.
30) What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
- I remember making butterfly wings at nursery and being obsessed with them. I wouldn't take them off and my Dad caught me on video running around the garden in my butterfly wings. Then, I saw a real life butterfly. I just stopped and watched it for about 5 minutes: and this was all caught on camera. It's special because the video and memory truly resemble the simplicity of life when I was about 4. Oh how things change...
31) At what time in your life have you felt most passionate and alive?
- experiencing my first taste of love was something I'll never forget. Being on holiday made it all the more relaxing.
32) If not now, then when?
- sometime. Sometime soon :)
33) If you haven't achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?
- nothing. It's all about when the time is right.
34) Have you ever been with someone, said nothing, then walked away feeling like you've had the best conversation ever?
- yeah. It's that adrenaline rush, isn't it. It just does something to you which makes you smile and give off positive vibes that you can' help but feel nice :)
35) Why do religions that support love cause so many wars?
- I've asked myself that same question a few times. Nobody knows.
36) Is it possible to know, without a doubt, what is good and what is evil?
- I believe that you know in your heart whether something is good or not.
37) If you just won a million pounds, would you quit your job?
- erm I don't have a job anymore ;) But I wouldn't quit school. Education is priceless.
38) Would you rather have less work to do, or more work that you enjoy doing?
- if you enjoy something, you always want more, right? ;)
39) Do you feel like you've lived this day a hundred times before?
- no. Each day is totally different and a new learning experience.
40) When was the last time that you stormed into the dark with only a soft glow of an idea you strongly believed in?
- last week actually. One Direction are a boyband which I love dearly and I will back them up 100% no matter what. I strongly believe in the boys and had a confrontation with someone who despises them. I kept my cool, said my peace and felt proud to have stuck up for the boys like I did.
41) If you knew that everyone was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit?
- I'd visit my mum and dad, my family. My old dog, my new dog. The people who have dug their way into my heart and the people who believed in me even when I didn't.
42) Would you be willing to reduce your live expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?
- no. I believe that I am attractive, I like the way that I look and I like my life.
43) What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
- alive, you're just there breathing away. Truly living, you're filling your days with things that take your breath away.
44) If we learn from our mistakes, why are we so afraid of making a mistake?
- fear of rejection. Everybody wants to be accepted.
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