Time really is the best healer.
Friday was probably one of the hardest days I've ever had to face, because it was my first real taste of heart ache. My mother said that she was sad for me because all I did all day was just follow her round in my own little world. It absolutely chucked it down on Friday too, and I didn't even care about getting wet. She knew that when I said that, that I wasn't myself that day. My mum gave me the advice of not to chase him, let him come to me. The amount of times I wanted to text him was unreal, but I didn't. And sure enough, yesterday he text me apologising. Some of you may think of me as a fool for listening to him and forgiving him, but he's played such a big part in my life. I can't not have him in my life. He was my first love, and you never forget your first love. Whether he'll be my only love, is another question. I'm very optimistic about my future with him and I am just going to see how things go.
I got my GCSE results Thursday, and overall I am pleased. But in two of the subjects, one in particular, I didn't do too well. But I am going to re-sit and really take next year seriously because these results are going to be important throughout my whole life. I am so pleased with my English results, I got an A! I honestly thought I was going to do bad and I would have to face the disappointment of my English teacher, because she put her faith in me. I had a real struggle in that exam, I nearly wrote 'I give up' on one of the questions because I just completely lost track. I'm very pleased with my mark, too. I got 101 out of 120. Woohoo! My English teacher was right, I could do it and I did do it. I did well in my controlled assessments too. So maybe I can do even better! :)
Maths seems to be a subject that haunts me. I don't struggle in lessons, I do all my homework and I even feel confident after doing an exam. But I always get D's. I need a C to pass maths and it's really frustrating that all my hard work isn't paying off. I've always struggled with maths, but I never thought it'd be this hard to get a C. I can't wait to get back into school and really try my very hardest with my education. I might as well make the most of it, because it's not going to be in my life forever and it's free. University fee's are insane, and you're not even guaranteed a job at the end of it all.
Anyways, hopefully my life will be on the up from now. I've got a clear head and an optimistic mind. Anything could happen.
Just me.

I dare you to let me be your one and only.
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
I'm gunna blog everything and I don't really care.
I've been played.
Full on played.
I mean, I thought i'd been played in the past. But this is a WHOLE new level.
So i met up with my ex on holiday and we really reconnected and almost 'fell back in love' with each other and we promised we'd go out when we got back. He's back, and he 'doesn't know what to do' because he has a girlfriend.
In a way, I guess it's what I deserve because I kissed somebody elses boyfriend. But I really thought we had something special. I just am in utter shock. I really must have 'mug' tattooed on my forehead. I just don't know what to do anymore. I thought he was different. The way he looked at me even when I had no make up on, the way he held me close and kissed my forehead(or maybe he was kissing the tattoo) and the way he called me the 'prettiest girl he'd ever seen'. Maybe I should have seen it coming, that he just wanted to kiss an old flame just to see what it felt like. There's something in my heart which tells me that there's more to come and unfold in the story of me and him.
I just can't believe that i've been played.
Will I EVER find my 'Mr Right' ? :/
Full on played.
I mean, I thought i'd been played in the past. But this is a WHOLE new level.
So i met up with my ex on holiday and we really reconnected and almost 'fell back in love' with each other and we promised we'd go out when we got back. He's back, and he 'doesn't know what to do' because he has a girlfriend.
In a way, I guess it's what I deserve because I kissed somebody elses boyfriend. But I really thought we had something special. I just am in utter shock. I really must have 'mug' tattooed on my forehead. I just don't know what to do anymore. I thought he was different. The way he looked at me even when I had no make up on, the way he held me close and kissed my forehead(or maybe he was kissing the tattoo) and the way he called me the 'prettiest girl he'd ever seen'. Maybe I should have seen it coming, that he just wanted to kiss an old flame just to see what it felt like. There's something in my heart which tells me that there's more to come and unfold in the story of me and him.
I just can't believe that i've been played.
Will I EVER find my 'Mr Right' ? :/
Saturday, 20 August 2011
Saturdays Story.
I. Got. A. Job.
Wait, what!?
Yes. The blonde barbie bimbo has a job. Well, it's not a full on job. But it's a part time job at a beauty clinic about 30 minutes from where I live and my auntie is a manager there. I'm a receptionist as well as a stylist for the shop, making sure that it looks spic and span and that the displays look eye-catching. In the clinic, they do beautiful beauty bags, train cases, mirrors & more! Instead of getting cold hard cash, I took a shine to one particular item...
What do you think is in this ice white bag?
A super cute make-up storage bag! It's by a range called Truly Scrumptious. The girly cupcakes and light pink background just scream 'me'!
I'm not sure if you're going to be able to tell, but the sugar paper inside says 'Danielle' on it, and that's my name. Therefore, this was meant to be! :P The company who supplies the clinic with goodies is actually called 'Danielle'. Haha, love it!
I just think it's so cute :)
I wore my leopard cardigan that I included in a previous post with a black vest top and black skirt :)
So overall, my 'first day at work' was pretty sweet :)
Ciao lovelies <3
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Tenerife 2011!
Urm, guess who's back!?
Yeah, me. Unfortunately, I'd of happily stayed another...70 years? Haha. Tenerife is seriously the place to be if you want some utter relaxation, beautiful weather and crazy sites that you'll never forget! I've been going to Tenerife for 10 years now, and every time has been different. This holiday was absolutely amazing and I wouldn't have done a single thing different...apart from book it a week later! I'll delve deeper into that...
So 2 years ago, I had the best holiday of my life and met some amazing guys and their family. Me and one of the son's had a thing two years ago, but it ended really before it even began. The 9th of August 2011 was the first time we'd seen each other since the 18th of August 2009, and it was magic. He was with his cousin, auntie and uncle as well this year, and me and his cousin have actually become best friends. Me and my 'old flame' reconnected. In the words of Lady Gaga, 'yeah there's something about, baby you & I.' That's true for me and him. There's just something about it. I don't know what, but it's nice :)
ANYWAYS! Here are some pics from my holiday. I'll tell you where I got my outfits from and my mum's if I can remember :) Underneath every picture I will also do like a little diary entry thing.
Day 1- ok, so this is one of the angles of the view from our hotel room. We were originally put on the 7th floor, but we didn't like the room. So I battered my eyelashes and worked my wonderful charm on some man at the check in and as if by magic, we were moved into a hugely bigger room on the 10th floor! So the moral of the story is; always ask. Hey, it's worth a try!
This is the first night- ahhhh wow! To be honest, I don't think I've tanned very much. But this picture makes me look very pale- so I'm very tanned to what I was! My top is from Topshop agesss ago, and my shorts are from Miss Selfridges. I can only remember where my mum's top is from, and it's from Primark. This night was the night where I came across a very attractive waiter! I didn't see him very much after that, but he seemed a bit morngey because he didn't smile very much!
Night 2- Nothing very exciting happened this night. We decided to take a taxi to the other end of Tenerife to look at some shops which included Zara and Mango. Not very much were in them though! Fishing through my clothes, I noticed that I'd forgotten a black cami like this white one, so I couldn't wear some of my skirts that I brought because they needed black :( Non of the shops we went in had any in either. Ah, never mind :) My top is from New Look and my skirt is from Topshop. The light doesn't do it any justice, it's more of a very light lilac colour :) My mums top is from Next.
Night 3- A kind waiter took this photo for us :) The staff were soooo lovely! We've stayed in this hotel before (Bourganville Playa, Costa Adeje) and we noticed a definite change in the attitude of the staff. I had a hair malfunction this evening so I put a bit of it up at the side. My top is from Lipsy, and you can't really see my shorts(hehehe) but they're from Topshop. Also, my shoes are from Debenhams in the beachwear collection.
Night 4- this is one of my fave photos of me. Blue is such a good colour on me, so I do tend to wear it a lot because I like to look good(sorry, but it's true!). I love the cut of this Topshop top, and it covers the top of my highwaisted Miss Selfridges shorts, so I'm not showing too much skin. I had a really good hair night too, so that put me in a great mood to smile for this photo! :P
This is the bracelet on my wrist close up. It is my most favourite bracelet ever, I love it so so much! It's a beautiful baby pink colour with lovely girly roses. It's from River Island, but I got it wayyy back last year, but they do do dupes in Primark still. However, it's sometimes nice to pay that little bit more for greater quality. The string holding it has not loosened.
Whilst I'm on the topic of jewellery, I bought this gorgeous shell ring and a beautiful Hawiian inspired bracelet from some little shops in Tenerife. So girly, so me!
Night 5- hmmm, I don't remember much from this night. No, I mean I really don't. Haha. My playsuit is from Ark and my mum's dress is from Next.
Ohhh, it's coming back to me! We went down to the other end of Tenerife again to look around, and I changed into my Lipsy top and Miss Selfridges shorts because the playsuit I had on makes me feel fat :P Look at all that Hello Kitty! Once I saw the shop, I just had to have a picture in front of it :P
I saw this cardigan in Tenerife but it was a lot of euro's so my mum wouldn't let me have it. Who would have thought that yesterday less than 40 miles away from me, the same cardigan would be hanging there in a shopping centre waiting for me!? Deffo meant to be!
Night 7- hmm, I have no idea where Night 6 went. There was one night that we forgot the camera, so we couldn't take pictures. Maybe that was night 6... Anyways. This night was the night that I saw my friends for the first time in 2 years. It was so cute. He was texting me that he was in the hotel bar, so I came down to see them and it was so magical :) I love the colour of this top i'm wearing. I got it in Tenerife but it's from Bershka. I'm sure that's a shop in the UK too.. and how gorgeous is my mum's dress!? It's from Quiz.
I saw this cardigan in Tenerife but it was a lot of euro's so my mum wouldn't let me have it. Who would have thought that yesterday less than 40 miles away from me, the same cardigan would be hanging there in a shopping centre waiting for me!? Deffo meant to be!
Night 7- hmm, I have no idea where Night 6 went. There was one night that we forgot the camera, so we couldn't take pictures. Maybe that was night 6... Anyways. This night was the night that I saw my friends for the first time in 2 years. It was so cute. He was texting me that he was in the hotel bar, so I came down to see them and it was so magical :) I love the colour of this top i'm wearing. I got it in Tenerife but it's from Bershka. I'm sure that's a shop in the UK too.. and how gorgeous is my mum's dress!? It's from Quiz.
Night 8- aww, I love these photos sooo much. They've deffo my faves. i think me and my mum look positively glowing in them. So pretty and healthy. This night was the first night that I saw the families at dinner. My friend looked at me with a huge smile on his face. That's when I knew that I really did look good that night. This Ark leopard playsuit is so 'me'. If I could only wear one thing for the rest of my life, this would be it. I believe that every time I wear this outfit, I look good. Sorry for the bigheadedness, but it's true. I really love this playsuit. My mum's beautiful cobolt blue dress is from New Look.
Night 12- (yes, I know i've jumped a lot of nights. But I wasn't in many of the pictures because I had forgotten HEAPS of clothes and had to wear some of my outfits twice, so I didn't wanna be in any pictures :P). I believe I looked good this night too :) I look like a little barbie doll! My beautiful pink dress is from Topshop. I have it in white as well, but i had a little malfunction! It was so white, that you could see my bra and knickers! Note to self when wearing the dress next time: thong! My mum's dress is from Next.
The last full day- aww, sad times. This is me and my mum chilling by the pool. I couldn't touch the bottom of the deep end(boo!) which my friends took advantage of and ducked me under A LOT. Haha, it was fun though. Had some very fun times in that pool and interesting convo's with my friend's cousin. I love that girl to death and she has really become one of my closest friends. Unfortunately, me being the dumbass that I am, forgot to take photos of me, her and her cousin! She did take some though, but it was through the day when I looked rough cos I had no make up on! Ah well, they're memories, right? :)
The lasy night- this playsuit is from Lipsy and really reminds me of Pixie Lott. It's such a comfy thing to wear and I love it a lot. My mum's BEAUTIFUL dress is from Kurt Muller. It's so gorgeous with all the different leopards in it. Me and my mum are leopard girls through and through!
I'm so cute. On the last night, my mum had some poppyseed bread with her soup, and the little poppyseeds were left behind. Whilst on holiday, one of the waiter's seemed to take a shine to me. Smiling at me, saying 'Hola' to me whenever he saw me, looking at me out of the corner of his eye and waving at me. So in return, I made him a little heart out of poppyseeds :P He gave me two truffles on my last night, which was adorable. I'll never forget him :)
Night 12- (yes, I know i've jumped a lot of nights. But I wasn't in many of the pictures because I had forgotten HEAPS of clothes and had to wear some of my outfits twice, so I didn't wanna be in any pictures :P). I believe I looked good this night too :) I look like a little barbie doll! My beautiful pink dress is from Topshop. I have it in white as well, but i had a little malfunction! It was so white, that you could see my bra and knickers! Note to self when wearing the dress next time: thong! My mum's dress is from Next.
The last full day- aww, sad times. This is me and my mum chilling by the pool. I couldn't touch the bottom of the deep end(boo!) which my friends took advantage of and ducked me under A LOT. Haha, it was fun though. Had some very fun times in that pool and interesting convo's with my friend's cousin. I love that girl to death and she has really become one of my closest friends. Unfortunately, me being the dumbass that I am, forgot to take photos of me, her and her cousin! She did take some though, but it was through the day when I looked rough cos I had no make up on! Ah well, they're memories, right? :)
The lasy night- this playsuit is from Lipsy and really reminds me of Pixie Lott. It's such a comfy thing to wear and I love it a lot. My mum's BEAUTIFUL dress is from Kurt Muller. It's so gorgeous with all the different leopards in it. Me and my mum are leopard girls through and through!
I'm so cute. On the last night, my mum had some poppyseed bread with her soup, and the little poppyseeds were left behind. Whilst on holiday, one of the waiter's seemed to take a shine to me. Smiling at me, saying 'Hola' to me whenever he saw me, looking at me out of the corner of his eye and waving at me. So in return, I made him a little heart out of poppyseeds :P He gave me two truffles on my last night, which was adorable. I'll never forget him :)
'All good things must come to an end.'
That saying is well true. We took this picture on the last night in Tenerife. The lights are beautiful, the resort is beautiful, the weather is beautiful: Tenerife is beautiful. I loved my holiday and I would love to go back and do it all again. Please enjoy some more pictures of some of the sites I saw.
Monday, 1 August 2011
So long, farewell!
This will be my last post because I go on holiday tomorrow, so I will not post anything for 2 weeks! (well, maybe if I get bored at anytime I'll do a little update from my phone :P)
But other than that, I just wanted to wish EVERYONE a very very wonderful, happy and fun filled 2 weeks! I'm looking forward to going on holiday and getting away from here for a couple of weeks just to chill out :) I've been looking forward to going back ever since the taxi ride to the airport last year haha!
I'll probably post pictures when I get back onto here to show my outfits and maybe some scenery and bits and bobs :)
But yeah, have a wonderful two weeks. I hope you all get everything you desire and have an awesome time!
Adios mis amigos!
But other than that, I just wanted to wish EVERYONE a very very wonderful, happy and fun filled 2 weeks! I'm looking forward to going on holiday and getting away from here for a couple of weeks just to chill out :) I've been looking forward to going back ever since the taxi ride to the airport last year haha!
I'll probably post pictures when I get back onto here to show my outfits and maybe some scenery and bits and bobs :)
But yeah, have a wonderful two weeks. I hope you all get everything you desire and have an awesome time!
Adios mis amigos!
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