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Just me.
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Sunday 16 January 2011

The Beatles Vs One Direction

The Famous Abbey Road photograph.
The one photo that everybody remembers. The Beatles were the biggest band to come out of Britain- and I believe of all time. The Beatles' music is catchy and different. Everybody wanted to be like them. When they grew their hair long, so did you. When John Lennon was pictured with his glasses, the shops had a sell out. Their music is so powerful, it is instantly recognisable. 

Let It Be, All You Need Is Love, Don't Let Me Down, Yellow Submarine, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, She Loves You, Drive My Car, Get Back, I Am The Walrus and I Wanna Hold Your Hand are my favourite Beatles songs. Each remind me of a different time in my life. I'll carry these songs around with me, forever.

...Look familiar?
One Direction are set to be big. Everybody's comparing them to The Beatles. I defiantly think they could be as big as them. However, they were in a reality TV competition and nobody is sure if any of these boys have any kind of song writing ability. The Beatles wrote every song. One Direction are vocally very good and I cannot wait to hear more from them.

Torn, You Are So Beautiful, Something About The Way You Look Tonight, Kinds In America, All You Need Is Love and Nobody Knows are my favourite covers of theres. If they won, they were going to release Forever Young by Mr Hudson as their winners single and I think their version of that is brilliant too.

Whatever the outcome, I doubt it'll be the last of One Direction.
The Beatles will of corse never be forgotten. My dad always says 'If an American gets onto you about something, just say "Well, we gave you The Beatles" and they'll shut up.'
He's tried it out and it does work. The Beatles had a huge impact on British Music and still do.
One Direction have already got themselves a huge fanbase. They'll go far- I really believe in them.

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